A photographer, a painter and a greyhound touring Europe in campervan.

My loves reborn…

I used to love writing…and then I got a job doing it for a magazine. That love soon shriveled to a husk. The job was okay, but writing about beauty salons (they are all the fucking same), or shoe shops kills all the joy to ordering words in a pleasing and readable fashion.

I can barely summon more than two words to describe my prized photos. I went into that job with a passion for writing and zero photography skills and came away with a love of photography and a deep detest for written communication. I decided to put this blog together as a way to combine both and rekindle my love of writing. It’s basically for me, but if it lifts anyone’s spirits over a morning coffee, then it’ll please me too.

Most travel blogs are wordy, bullshit affairs of sickening clichés, sprinkled with historical facts ripped straight from Wikipedia. They’re long to ensure you scroll through as many of the the ads that I so loathed writing myself at the magazine, and I know that anything longer than two thumb flicks on a phone won’t hold my attention. Many are also dotted with dull and tedious photos. Hopefully my photos are better than that and the word count will be short, no politics, no world affairs, no AI generated shite. Simply my day, something funny or something nice. Did I mention short? They’ll only ever be about this long.

the latest from the photographer, painter, & Greyhound

Is there really a point in sharing our life experiences online? I’m not sure

  • An extra snapshot for subscribers

    An extra snapshot for subscribers

    Not much else to report today. All the high passes were closed which means there was only one route South to Italy, the Gotthard Tunnel. It’s 17 kilometres long (just over 10 miles) and the queue to get into it was twice as long. No major dramas today, although I bought a drink that I…

  • Our fridge smells of cheese and we broke our dog

    Our fridge smells of cheese and we broke our dog

    Ten minutes ago, I opened our fridge and the distinctive aroma of very strong cheese wafted out as I grabbed the milk for my morning coffee.  It’s hardly a surprise because we bought an armful of the stuff yesterday morning. Quite a lot has happened since Nancy where we left our city centre location.  The…

  • Subscribers only

    Subscribers only

    Just a quick post to see if the email subscriptions is working.  If it is then I owe Ewan a big thank you.  We have an image of today’s round of golf and a sunset view from the van window.

  • Down south in dirty underwear

    Down south in dirty underwear

    It’s been four days since we left home and today was the first time I got to change my clothes and have a shower. I could’ve changed my socks and underwear but general slothfulness meant I only got round to it today.  And while it’s nice to be clean, it doesn’t all smell like roses…

  • Beaches

    All of a sudden, our mini break is nearly over.  A day by the beach has stretched into a week of book reading and swimming in the Ionian Sea.  We now begin to plot a route back home. I had a moment on my birthday, as I sat floating in the sea and the small…
